Once you have submitted a reservation request, we will confirm availability and send you out a confirmation that the booking has been held. You will then have 2 days from the sending of our confirmation in which to provide a credit card to secure the reservation or send a deposit. Details of how to do this will be outlined on the confirmation we send. A booking will be automatically cancelled if we do not hear from you within the time specified above.
Acceptance of a booking whether in writing or verbally, followed by the provision of a deposit or credit card to secure the reservation will create a legally binding contract between the proprietor and the person from whom the booking has been accepted (“the guest”).
A non-refundable deposit is required to secure all reservations. The amount of that deposit will be a sum equal to the full rate for one night for the type of accommodation booked.
In the event of a guest not arriving, cancelling the booking or curtailing their stay, the guest shall pay a cancellation fee. That cancellation fee shall be 100% of the total cost of the booking less the amount of any deposit already paid. The proprietor will take reasonable steps to re-let the accommodation booked, and in the event that the accommodation is re-let the cancellation fee will be refunded to the guest for any period for which the accommodation is re-let. Guests are reminded of the availability of cancellation insurance to cover the costs of cancellation. Details of cancellation insurance from an independent company will be attached to your booking confirmation.
If the guest gives credit/debit card details to the proprietor in order to secure a booking and pay a deposit then it is agreed between the parties that in the event of a guest not arriving, cancelling the booking or curtailing their stay the proprietor may debit the guest’s credit/debit card with the full amount of the cancellation charge as set out in 4 above less an allowance for any deposit already paid. It is also agreed that the proprietor may also debit guest’s credit/debit card with the full amount of any additional charges incurred by the guest as set out in 7 and 8 below.
The proprietor reserves the right to cancel a booking forthwith without liability in the event of damage or destruction to the accommodation due to fire or other cause, any shortage of labour or food supplies, or any other causes beyond the control of the proprietor which prevent him/her from performing their obligations in connection with any booking.
Check in time for all bookings is between 3.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on the day of arrival. The check out time is by 10.30 a.m. on the day of departure and all rooms should be vacated by that time. In the event that the room is not vacated by 10.30 a.m. a late departure charge will be payable of an amount up to the cost of one night’s accommodation.
All room keys should be returned to the proprietor upon departure. Failure to do so will result in a charge of £100.
Cancellation Insurance: We suggest you take out insurance specially designed for holidays in the UK.
Cancellation by Owner: Limitation of Liability. In the rare event we need to cancel your booking, eg government regulation due to Covid-19, we cannot be held liable for circumstances beyond our control. We would attempt to find you alternative local accommodation but our liability is limited to refunding payments already made by you to us.
Staying Covid-19 Secure: All guests agree to accept and comply with safety measures introduced to protect guests and staff to stop the spread of corona virus. In accordance with our Risk Assessment, we reserve the right to cancel a booking with immediate effect if guests are not respecting social distancing measures in public areas or honouring this agreement or causing a disturbance/nuisance to other guests, neighbours or the owners. No refund is applicable in this event.
Due to high demand, we generally do not take 1-night reservations between June and September. If you require a room for one night only, please feel free to send us a reservation request and we will check to see if there is a matching 1-night gap between other reservations.
At other times of the year, subject to availability, we accept 1-night reservations on a “run-of-the-house” basis. This means that the best available room will be allocated upon arrival. Please note that we may allocate a twin room rather than a double if all our double rooms are booked.
Payment of the bill for accommodation, food and other services shall be made prior to departure.
We accept payment in cash, cheque (with the associated cheque guarantee card), and most major credit or debit cards.
Occupancy shall be from & to the dates listed on your confirmation. Numbers of people occupying a room must not exceed the maximum stated. The latest time at which a guest may check-out on the day of departure is 10am.
All prices for accomodation, food and beverages are stated in pounds sterling and include V.A.T. Price increases resulting from government regulations/legislation or local taxes/charges will be re-charged to the guest. Any discounted prices given at the time of booking will become void if a guests alters the reservation in anyway, unless already agreed with the proprietor.
On occaisions where a one-night reservation is accepted between June & September, a supplimentary charge of £2.50 per night will be made per guest in addition to the standard room rate.
Breakfast and other meals paid for by the guest must be taken at the times stipulated. Details will be given on arrival or in advance upon request. No refund or part refund can be given for breakfast or other meals not taken at the times stipulated.
* The proprietor does not accept responsibility for loss of or damage to any cash, jewellery or other articles of value unless they are deposited with the proprietor for safe keeping and a note of the deposit is handed to the guest by the recipient. The note of the deposit must be presented by the guest in the event of a claim.
* The proprietor does not accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to motor cars or other vehicles of any kind, or any property lost in them. Additionally, the proprietor does not accept responsibility for any infringement notice, parking fine or other charge made as a result of the guest parking or driving in an area not permitted by local authorities or any other agency. Advice taken on parking or stopping is done so at the guest’s own risk.
* In the event of negligence on the part of the proprietor which gives rise to loss or damage to the property belonging to a guest, the proprietor’s limit of liability will be limited to £100.00 for any single article and subject to a total of £200.00 in the case of any one guest.
* Guest’s shall indemnify the proprietor for any loss or damage to the proprietor’s property or the furnishings, contents and equipment caused by the wilful act or default of the guest or persons within their control.
* The guest shall pay the proprietor on demand the amount required to make good or remedy the damage, or replace any missing items. For the sake of these terms and conditions, a guest smoking within the premises will constitute damage and the amount payable will be the additional cost of cleaning and/or the replacement of soft furnishings where these are considered unusable.
* If in the opinion of the proprietor the guest or anyone staying with (or visiting) the guest is not suitable to continue their occupation (or visit) because of unreasonable behaviour, damage or nuisance to other parties, the proprietor is entitled to treat the contract as at an end and the guest may be asked to vacate their room. The guest will remain liable for the full cost of the booking and any costs arising from the clauses above, and no refund shall be due.
Please note by Law all rooms are smoke-free
No smoking is permitted at the premises at any time. If guests do smoke in their room the room will require extra cleaning to remove the smell and can cause the room to be unavailable for the next guest. In the event that a guest does smoke in their room then the guest shall pay a cleaning charge of £250. It is agreed between the parties that should the cleaning charge become payable then the proprietor may debit the guest’s credit/debit card with the full amount of the cleaning charge.
If the guest has a complaint concerning any aspect of the services provided by the proprietor then it is the duty of the guest to inform the proprietor immediately, or at the first availabile opportunity and in any event before termination of the stay. It is specifically agreed between the parties that failure by the guest to notify the proprietor of any complaint in accordance with the time scale set out will entitle the proprietor to refuse to entertain the complaint, irrespective of the merits of the complaint.